This started as a Building Tech project from last year - the Copper piece in the middle. I always wanted to make a frame for it. Well, I got a hold of some recycled wood from a friend who is a builder - Dustin!
The Copper piece was taken from a sheet of Copper - cut into three pieces; had muratic acid applied to one piece; and rejoined with bolts and solder. The bright color changes came from the torch used to solder it, while the darker color changes came from the muratic acid.
I wanted to experiment with wood Joinery as well. The dark piece on the left is a stained Douglas Fir 2x6 and the rest is cedar. The upper piece, the header, was formed by laminating several pieces of Cedar together to form a thick beam. The whole piece is held together without glue - the edges of the Copper piece fold down and hold the piece in with tension.
Love the way the fir came out.
That's pretty rad honey. Really rad actually.
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